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Since Cleopatra was of Greek decent, she ruled in the Ptolemaic dynasty. It was not a numbered dynasty as the Egyptian ones were.

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Q: What dynasty did Cleopatra vii rule Egypt?
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What kingdom did Cleopatra the VII rule in?

Cleopatra ruled in the kingdom of Egypt.

Who was the last pharaoh to ruled Egypt?

Cleopatra was the last pharaoh to to rule ancient Egypt.

Who was the last Macedonian to rule Egypt?

Queen Cleopatra VII.

Who was the last ruler in the ptolemy I dynasty?

Cleopatra VII (51- 30BC) she was the last ruler before Egypt became a Roman province.

What did Cleopatra VII do besides rule Egypt?

she did suicide how the heck did she help?

Who was the Pharaoh of Egypt when Caesar was in rule?

Cleopatra VII, she even had a baby with Caesar.

When did Queen Cleopatra VII rule Egypt?

She ruled from 51 BC to 30 BC

How many Cleopatras ruled Egypt?

Only one Cleopatra ruled Egypt and that was Cleopatra VII. There were six other women named Cleopatra before her, but they were wives/daughters of pharaohs and did not rule.

Is queen Cleopatra and queen Cleopatra IV the same?

No they are not. The most famous Cleopatra was Queen Cleopatra VII because she was the last pharaoh to rule Egypt. Cleopatra IV was probably one of Cleopatra VII's relatives as lots of the women in her family had the name Cleopatra.

What age was Cleopatra VII when she started to rule Egypt?

Cleopatra was 22 in 47BC when she started to rule Egypt. She had been queen earlier, but was deposed and it wasn't until 47 that she finally gained lasting power.

Who ruled Egypt after Cleopatra vii did?

After Cleopatra VII, Egypt became part of the Roman empire and was ruled by Rome.

When Did Cleopatra the queen rule?

Cleopatra VII ruled from 51BC to 30BC. She was the last monarch to rule over an independant Egypt. The country did not regain its independance until 1922AD.