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In 198 B.C, the Hellenistic king of Syria controlled Judah. Syrian rulers admired Greek culture. The introduced Greek ideas and beliefs to the Jewish people. Some Jews adopted aspects of Greek culture, and some began to worship other gods.

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Q: What happened when Syria conquered Judah?
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What year did Syria finally control Judah?

Syria is a modern country, Judah is a bronze-age country. The two never overlapped. There are numerous regimes based in what is now Syria that conquered all or part of Judah. These regimes include: the Kingdom of Aram, the Assyrian Empire, and the Seleucid Empire. Each one controlled Judah at a very different time.

What happened when Alexander the Great conquered Judah?

He treated it as a minor province.

What empire conquered israel and judah?

Assyria conquered Israel, then Babylon conquered Assyria and Judah, then Persia conquered Babylon, then the Seuclid Empire conquered Judah, then the Judeans revolted, then Rome conquered Judah, then the Islamic Caliphate conquered the Byzantine Empire (the remains of the Roman Empire). The Ottoman Empire conquered Judah from the Cusaders who had conquered it from its Islamic rulers. Then the British Empire took it from the Ottomans.

What date was judah conquered?


After the Syrians conquered Judah - Judah was later conquered by who?

The Romans conquered Judah and renamed it Judea. They kept strict control over Judea. The Jews were allowed to have Jewish kings and religious leaders, but these kings and leaders were appointed by Rome.

Who conquered Syria?

firaz naji

What is the capital of Judah?

the capital city of Judah is Jerusalem. both were conquered by both Israel and Judah. Jerusalem.

Judah was conquered on what date?

63 bc

Who conquered Judah 620 BC?


Which group of people conquered Judah?

The Babylonian Empire.

When the Romans conquered Judah they renamed it .?

They renames it: Judaea

What was the relationship between Judah and Syria?

Aram, the ancient Kingdom based in Syria had a tumultuous relationship with Judah. During the United-Kingdom of Israel period, Aram was a subordinate vassal of Davidic and Solomonic Israel. With the fall of the United Kingdom and the independence of Israel and Judah, Aram became an ascendant power. Most conflict occurred between Aram and the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Aram and Judah had decent relations, but Judah could not help but sympathize with their kinsmen's plight in the north. Eventually, Aram, Israel, and Judah were all conquered by Assyria (based out of modern day Iraq). Judean culture and religion survived, but the other two cultures, among many others, were lost to history.