A theocracy
A Theocracy is a government run and influenced by a religion. A pharaoh is equivalent to a king in ancient Egypt.
They believed that god has chosen their king, theocracy means to be chosen by god.
Political system that they believe in the fact of God being the supreme ruler. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theocracy
theocracy originates form the Greek word theokratia
A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God.
Theocracy is derived from the combination of the Greek words "theos" meaning god and kratein meaning rule of. So it literally means "rule by gods"
it is unlimited , and Theocracy is also named off after a greek word
Theo derives from the Greek word Theos meaning god.
(from Greek. the·os′, god, and kra′tos, a rule), a rule by God.
it is unlimited , and Theocracy is also named off after a greek word
Some words with the Latin root "theo" include theology, theocracy, and atheist.
Direct Democracy, Representative Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Anarchy and Tyranny. These are the forms of government that all Greek city-states had.
A theocracy is a form of government in which religious leaders rule in the name of a deity or a divine authority. It combines religious and political authority in one institution.
There is no antonym for theocracy.
Disatvantages to a Theocracy