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Q: What is a polytheistic creation story?
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Who is the sky in the story of the Creation?

In the Proto-Indo European creation-narrative, God was referred to as Dyeus-Pater (Sky-Father).As time passed, they became polytheistic and worshiped the sky itself (and/or the planets, sun, moon, etc.), and forgot that all creations are under God.See also:Did they believe in the One God?Is there evidence for Creation?

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What is the Lutheran creation story?

Answer The Lutheran creation story is the Christian creation account found in the Bible primarily in Genesis.

Where do you find the story of creation?

The story of creation can be found in Genesis 1. The creation of Adam and Eve can be found in Genesis 2.

What kind of narrative is The Creation Story of Luzon?

The creation story is a LEGEND..

What does the story of creation symbolise?

It would help if you clarify WHICH story of creation you are talking about - since there are many of them.

Who was the first man in the Muslim creation story?

Adam was the first man in the Muslim creation story.

Who believes in the Hindu creation story?

One would have to say that Hindus believe their creation story ...

What is the Pagan creation story?

IF there was a creation then there was a story from earliest other stories it warped with time except where divine revelation dealt with the human fallibility. If there was a Creation there is only ONE story and the pagan story would be a corruption of that that story.

What is the Haitian creation story?

The Haitian creation story is rock a my baby. I'm an smart kid. Not important!

Is there a creation myth or story behind the creation of Islam?

Another response from our community:It is not a myth or story.