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a pig herder

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Q: What is a swineherd?
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In The Odyssey who was the swineherd?

Eumaios was the swineherd.

When was The Swineherd created?

The Swineherd was created on 1841-12-20.

What did occupation did eumaeus have?

Eumaeus was Odysseus's swineherd.

Is there another name for a pig herder?

'Swineherd' is another name for a pig herder.

When Telemachus returns to Ithaca who does he visit first?

eumaeus the swineherd

What threatened as he approached the swineherd's hut?

As Odysseus approached the swineherd's hut, the dogs almost attacked him.

What is a person who looks after pigs called?

answ2. Possibly a veterinarian, or an animal physiologist.

Who was Odysseus' swineherd?


What did swineherd do?

he told odysseus his background.

What is tender of pigs called?


What occupation did?

Eumaeus was Odysseus's swineherd.

What is the name of swineherd on the odyssey?
