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Q: What is a system of writing using signs and symbols developed by the Mayas?
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The Mayas developed a system of writing using what?


What did the Mayas develop in the era?

they developed advanced mathematics and astronomy as well as system of writing

How was the writing system of the Mayas different from the olmec?

like the Olmec before them, the Maya developed a form of writing. However, the maya writing system was more complex.

What did the Mayas develop in the classical era?

they developed advanced mathematics and astronomy as well as system of writing

What one way that the civilization was the Mayas and the sumerian are similar?

They developed extensive writing systems

What was the Mayas form of writing called?

Mayas used pictures called hieroglyphics. They represent sounds, and with them any words in the Maya language could be written. Their writing system consisted of 800 symbols or Glyphs. From these, 700 represented whole words, they look like objects they represent, and 100 were syllable signs, used to spell out a word, syllable by syllable.

Did the Maya the Aztec or the Inca have a writing system?

I know the Inca did not have a writing system, but they did have a speaking language/system. I do not know about the Mayas and the Aztecs. I am researching them.

The Mayas wrote using signs and symbols called?


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What are the differences between the Caribs and the Mayas?

The Caribs were known as skilled warriors and predominantly inhabited the Caribbean islands, while the Mayas were known for their advanced civilization in Mesoamerica. The Caribs were more nomadic and lived in small villages, whereas the Mayas built large, complex cities with impressive architecture. Additionally, the Mayas were known for their hieroglyphic writing system and advanced knowledge in mathematics and astronomy.

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The Mayas

How did the Mayas keep records?

The Maya used a complex writing system called hieroglyphics, where they combined symbols and pictures to represent words and ideas. They recorded information on stelae, inscriptions on buildings, and codices made from fig bark paper. These records documented historical events, genealogies, astrological observations, and religious practices.