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The month is named after the God Janus, the god of doorways (January being the first month and doorway to the new year)

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Q: What is the connection between January and ancient mythology?
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What is the connection between the word and January and ancient mythology?

The connection is that Janus the god of the doorway. This name has its beginning in Roman mythology.

What is the connection between the word January and ancient mythology?

The connection is that Janus the god of the doorway. This name has its beginning in Roman mythology.

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January was named after the ROMAN god Janus.

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if you mean ancient Egyptians, then yes. the ancient Egyptians did not see any personal connection between the individual and the gods

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At Greeks time, it was not mythology but now it is. For the ancient Greeks, it was their religion, now it is a collection of interesting stories.

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What is the connection between the magical objects in Harry Potter and Greek mythology?

There are numerous links between the two. The individuals on the Chocolate Frogs include some individuals from Greek mythology. Circe, Paracelsus and Agrippa are from Greek methodology.