The hero Heracles (Hercules) performed the twelve labors after being driven mad by Hera to kill his children.
Hercules murders his family. Then, afterward, realizing in horror at what he did, he was prompted to undertake the '12 Labors'.Hercules kills his children and his wife, Megara.
In a fit of madness, induced by Hera, Hercules slew his wife, Megara, and their three children. The 12 labors were his penance.
Actually it was because Hera was jealous because Zeus had cheated on her and the lady gave birth to Hercules. So Hera made Hercules go mad and kill his family. After he did this he was saddened so he prayed to Apollo and he told Hercules to complete the 12 labors to make up for his crime.
yes, he got drunk and murdered his family Not exactly. Hercules was driven to madness and murder through no fault of his own, but he still performed the Twelve Labors as atonement for the killing of his family. Atonement is by definition a voluntary punishment. If it is not voluntary, it is not atonement.
Hercules did it for for Hera
Hercules was not a god, he was a demigod (Son of Zeus). He is the guy who completed the Twelve Labors that Hera challenged him to do.
The Twelve Labors of Heracles were demanded by Hera, wife of Zeus, and given by Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns and Mycenae.
Hercules had to complete twelve labors to make up for killing his wife and children. He was made mad by Hera when he killed them.
hera decided to send out her guard aros to hunt him down and kill him
The hero Heracles (Hercules) performed the twelve labors after being driven mad by Hera to kill his children.
Hercules murders his family. Then, afterward, realizing in horror at what he did, he was prompted to undertake the '12 Labors'.Hercules kills his children and his wife, Megara.
Hercules is a god today. After he performed his twelve labors he claimed his rightful place on Mount Olympus. This of course angered Hera the wife of Zeus.
Hercules (Heracles) was driven mad by Hera, and killed his family. To redeem himself, he did the twelve tasks which would purify him.
In a fit of madness, induced by Hera, Hercules slew his wife, Megara, and their three children. The 12 labors were his penance.
Heracles, also known as Hercules in Roman mythology, performed the 12 labors. These labors were tasks that were assigned to him as penance for killing his family in a fit of madness induced by Hera, Zeus's wife. Heracles successfully completed all 12 labors, showcasing his immense strength and courage.
his destiny is to complete the twelve labors because Hera(greek goddess of females) put a curse on Hercules and made him kill his own wife and baby(when he was asleep).