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There are many purposes of meetings that are set up for businesses. These meetings are held to solve company problems.

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A meeting's purpose is to inform an audience of a specific topic or a variety of topics.

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Q: What is the purpose of a meeting?
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The purpose of the meeting at Gettysburg was to dedicate the new National Cemetery.

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Formal Meeting Documents:Meeting documents are created when the business is meeting to discuss matters pertaining to the present operation and future operation of the business. These documents would involve company owners. shareholders, company Directors, large customers/clients and/or leading institutions.Three common meeting documents are...Notice of meeting (detailing date, time, type of meeting, location, the purpose of the meeting)Agenda (detailed listing of the order of events for the meeting)Minutes (The official record of meeting outlining details like place and time of meeting, purpose, attendees, the leader of the meeting, apologies, agenda,review of previous meeting minutes, date, time and place of next meeting and time of meeting closure)

Meeting Spaces?

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What was the purpose of the Appomattox Courthouse meeting?

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