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Most gods have a symbol. Pelops is human, no symbol.

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Q: What is the symbol of Pelops?
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Who did Pelops marry?

Pelops married Hippodamia.

What are pelops and who are they?

pelops are from Greece and are short animals with fewathered feet pelops are from Greece and are short animals with fewathered feet

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Who is Tantalus's children?

Niobe, Pelops, Broteas.

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Which deity consumed part of Pelops' shoulder?

Demeter, in grief over her daughter, Persephone, absentmindedly ate Pelops' shoulder offered by his father, Tantalus.

How many kids did pelops have?

Pelops' sons include Pittheus, Troezen, Alcathous, Dimoetes, Pleisthenes, Atreus, Thyestes, Copreus, Hippalcimus, Cleones and Letreus. Pelops and Hippodameia also had several daughters, some of whom married into the House of Perseus, such as Astydameia (who married Alcaeus), Nicippe (who married Sthenelus), and Eurydice (who married Electryon) and Lysidike. By the nymph Axioche, Pelops was father of Chrysippus.

What is Pelops last name?

Pelops did not really have a last name; but he was the son of Tantalus, the king of Lydian. This is because he is in mythology; and thus from such a perspective he has only a one-part name.

What would prove the identity of the rightful king of Mycenae in the generation after Pelops?

The answer to a riddle

Did Poseidon ever have relationships with males?

Male lovers of Poseidon: Nerites, Pelops and Patroclus.

What did Tantalus to anger the gods?

He slayed his son Pelops and fed him to the gods as a test of their omniscience.

How were Tantalus and Pelops born or created?

They were human beings in the myth, born the natural way.