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Q: What king of thrace arrived in the tenth year of the Trojan war?
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Who was A King of Thrace during Trojan war?


Who was king of thrace in greek mythology?

In Greek mythology, Diomedes is sometimes referred to as the King of Thrace. He was known for his skill in battle and his ownership of man-eating horses. Diomedes was one of the Greek warriors who fought in the Trojan War.

Who was a Trojan war king?

Priam (Troy's king turning Homer's Trojan War)

What What King of Thrace and ally to Troy had his horses stolen by Odysseus and Diomedes?


Why did the Trojan war being?

The Trojan war took place is Western Turkey during antiquity. It was was Prince Paris of Troy stole a wife of a Greek king. When Helen was married off to a king, it was agreed that if something happened to her, all the kings of Greece who had vied for her affections must go to war for the king that got her as a wife. So, when she was taken to Troy, the armies of all of Greece arrived on King Priam's shores across the Aegean Sea.

Was hector a king in the Trojan War?


What was the name of the Trojan king?

There were many kings during Troy's reign, but the one that ruled during the Trojan War was King Priam.

Who was king of Argos during the Trojan war?

According to Homer's Iliad, King Priam led Troy during the Trojan War

Who was the King of Ithaca who fought in the Trojan War?

Odysseus is the king of Ithaca

Who was the king and queen of troy during the Trojan war?

king priam

Who was the leading Trojan warrior in the Trojan war?

Hector, a son of king Priam and queen Hecuba.

Who was king of Sparta in Trojan war?
