The nationality of the name Cassandra is Greek
Nationality for the last name DAYUS
It's an Armenian name.
Its family name and its Serbian.
Adi Bitar was born in 1924.
Adi Bitar died in 1973.
Bitar Mansion was created in 1927.
Nasib al-Bitar was born in 1890.
Nasib al-Bitar died in 1948.
Sameera Al Bitar was born on 1990-02-21.
Khyana El Bitar was born in 1964, in Hannover, Germany.
Salah al-Din al-Bitar was born in 1912.
Salah al-Din al-Bitar died on 1980-07-21.
Livet i 8 bitar - 2002 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:11
"What nationality is the name niemetz?"
What is the nationality of the name Maupai?