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Q: What number did the ancient babylonions use as their base number?
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How the base 10 number system help people in ancient India?

It is the number system that we use today, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 , if that helps.

What number base did the ancient Mayans use?

The Maya numeral system is a vigesimal (base-twenty) positional numeral system used by the Pre-Columbian Maya civilization.

Why does the US use a base 10 number system?

It derives from an ancient Arabic source, itself based on counting on fingers/thumbs and is the international norm. In ancient times, the Babylonians used base 60, but, successful though it was, the decimal system is less cumbersome.

Why would a system of measurement using base 60 instead of base 10 have been used in ancient systems of measurement?

Many ancient cultures had not invented fractions in their number system. The number 60 was chosen because it have many factors. We use relics of it today when reading the time. 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour.

What is the number that is use as a repeated factor?

The base

What made ancient Egyptian number easy to use?

because it did

How do you use Egyptian numbers today?

The ancient Egyptian number system is no longer in use.

What base did the greek number system use?

They use a base 10 system

Why would a system of measurement using 60 instead of base 10 have been used in ancient systems of measurement?

Many ancient cultures had not invented fractions in their number system. The number 60 was chosen because it have many factors. We use relics of it today when reading the time. 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour.

Ancient civilization which used number system based on base 60?

Sexagesimal as used in ancient Mesopotamia was not a pure base 60 system, in the sense that it didn't use 60 distinct symbols for its digits. Instead, the cuneiform digits used ten as a sub-base in the fashion of a sign-value notation: a sexagesimal digit was composed of a group of narrow wedge-shaped marks representing units up to nine.

What is ancient numerical system?

Ancient numerical systems are the number systems that ancient civilisations used, we now use 0123456789 as digits to make up any numbers, but, for example, the ancient romans used IVX ect. and the mayas used .|D . Different number systems also used different bases, we have a base 10 meaning that we go into double digits at 10 but Roman Numerals dont have a base but insted write I for 1 and then II for 2 and mayas would have a combination where . meant 1, .. meant 2 but then 20 would be when they started using D which was 0.

Did the Romans make a number system which we still use today?

NO the ancient greece did