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Q: What two things that the Sumerians were first to use in their buildings?
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Why did Sumerians developed a large trading network because?

The Sumerians developed a large trade network in part because some of the resources their civilization required were not found in Mesopotamia. Wood is especially scarce in this region so lumber became one of the key trade items for the Sumerians. But most items the Sumerians traded for were those not available in Mesopotamia.

Who built the first two-story house?

Believe it or not the Romans. The ancient Romans invented concrete and then the arch and with these two things they were able to have multistory buildings. Near the Roman forum they had the first multistory shopping mall. They also had multistory apartment buildings. Of course, the biggest example that all of know of a multistory building is the Colosseum .

What did ziggrants do in the Sumerian society?

Two things; it's spelled "ziggurat" and they were huge steepled towers used as temples to the gods of the Sumerians.

Who created the first civilization?

The two first civilizations were developed on 3200 BC. It was by Sumerians in Mesopotamia now the south of Iraq and the second in Egypt.

Who created first civilization?

The two first civilizations were developed on 3200 BC. It was by Sumerians in Mesopotamia now the south of Iraq and the second in Egypt.

How was the first wheel used by the sumerians?

The Sumerians used the wheel for war, trading, transportation, farming, and moving heavy loads.They used a chariot on a wheel for war, but only two people could fit in it.

Who were the two sumerians god?

who were the two sumerian gods

Can you Name two advances that helped Sumerian civilizations expand?

The plow and the wheel helped sumerians move things.

Who created the world's first civilization?

The two first civilizations were developed on 3200 BC. It was by Sumerians in Mesopotamia now the south of Iraq and the second in Egypt.

What were the two greatest contributions from the Sumerians?

it the balls

Who created civilization?

The two first civilizations were developed on 3200 BC. It was by Sumerians in Mesopotamia now the south of Iraq and the second in Egypt.

What are the two main bodies in Mesopotamia?

The Sumerians and the Akkadians.