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A primordial Chasm, from which several "bad" things descended.

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Q: What was Chaos in Greek mythology?
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Who was son of Chaos in Greek mythology?

Erebus was the son of Chaos in Greek mythology.

What does chaos have to do with Greek mythology?

Chaos, meaning "gap" or "air" in Greek, is a ancient Greek deity.

Who was the first god greek mythology?

Gaia, who was born from Chaos.

Is Chaos the mother of Yahweh?

Chaos of Greek mythology has no relationship to the ancient near east religions.

In Greek mythology who married Chaos?

No one. Chaos was the beginning of the gods and had children without a women.

What is a confused and shapeless mass in greek mythology?

Often "Chaos" or "Mud".

Whom were the children of chaos in greek mythology?

Yes Chaos did as she/he was the first Greek God. She had a few kids like Gaia and Tartarus and Nyx

What came before the Titans in Greek mythology?

Out of Chaos came Uranus and Gaea.

Who is Gaea's dad?

In greek mythology, gaea was created from chaos, which is essentially emptiness.

What was the greek father god name?

Your question isn't very clear. All of the gods in Greek mythology came from Chaos as a progenitor, and Chaos is generally represented as female.

Is Greek mythology Chaos the same as Egyptian mythology chaos?

No. The are not "the same". The Greek goddess Chaos means invisible air and gloomy mist; the gap, the space between heaven and earth. Nun/Nu and Naunet were two of the eight Ogdoad (a set of four goddesses and four gods). The name of the water of chaos was Nun.

How was the world made in greek mythology?

First there was chaos. Out of that rose mother Earth or Gaia...