In Roman mythology, he is the blacksmith god, or the god of the forges.
Hephaestus the Greek god was identified with the Roman god Vulcan. A festival of Vulcan was Vulcanalia held August 23.
Vulcan is often link to Venus as his wife.
Vulcan was the god of volcanoes and fire.
Vulcan is the Roman god (Vulcanus), corresponding to Greek Hephaestus. Vulcan is also the Roman god of fire.
the roman god vulcan was the god of blacksmiths and fire his greek name is hephaestus.
Vulcan is the Roman God of fire and the forge
Vulcan is the Roman aspect of the Greek God Hephaestus. God of the forge and fire.
Vulcan was actually the Roman god equivalent of Hephaestus.
The Roman blacksmith god is Vulcan (known as Hephaestus in Greek mythology). He is the god of fire, metalworking, and volcanoes. Vulcan is often depicted as a skilled craftsman who forges weapons and armor for the gods.
Vulcan is the Roman god of black smith
Hephaestus the Greek god was identified with the Roman god Vulcan. A festival of Vulcan was Vulcanalia held August 23.
The Roman god Vulcan.