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gold and diamonds.

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Q: What was discovered in Brazil that made it so valuable to the portuguese?
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Who made gold valuable?

Gold is valuable because it is rare, durable, pretty and extremely useful.

What valuable cloth was made only in china?


Where did havaianas origanate?

Brazil. The first pair were made in June 1962.

Who discovered the shaduf?

The farmers of ancient Egypt made them.

What did the navtives in Brazil thought of their conquerors?

Brazilian natives were very confused about were the Portuguese came from, many of them were awfully scared and ran out to the far jungle to escape them, they thought of their style dressing like gods. Many worshiped the Portuguese, others thought they were demons after they brought them small pox. Brazilians were scared of their technology but many learned to use them, so the Brazilians sent the Portuguese to the united states. The United States made a deal with the Illuminati to get them a rocket to send the Portuguese to planet Pandora. Once they were in that planet the Portuguese found smurfs that were making a space ship and a black robot human look-alike called Barack Obama. they sent Barack Obama back to planet earth to destroy the earth in 2012. Now remember the Brazilians knew this was going to happen so they passes it on to the Mayans to make a warning calendar about this in the future. but the Smurfs were very smart they knew Romney was going to win so they sent more drones to come down to Earth and get enough votes for Obama. Its a prophecy. To contact me for more information visit my Face Book- Alexander Sanchez lives in Modesto California

Related questions

What contributions were made by portuguese explorers?

There are a number of contributions that were made by Portuguese explorers. Vasco de Gama discovered various trade routes while {Pedro Alvarez is the one who discovered Brazil. There many other Portuguese explorers who made significant discoveries.

What does babalu mean?

Babalu is a brand of gum that is made and distributed in Brazil. It does not translate from Portuguese to English.

Who came up with the country of Brazil?

The Portuguese made the imaginary lines, nature built the actual physical country.

What was one of the conquests of early Portuguese exploration?

I believe that Portugal made what is now Brazil, one of their early colonial adventures.

Why did Brazil move their capital to brazilia?

The Portuguese wanted to get a part of the " new world " when they had first gotten wind that Spain had successfully " discovered " it. Brazil was one of the areas that they had landed in and that would also be why Brazil is the only South American country speaking Portuguese.

What are four countries that speak Portuguese?

Four countries that speak Portuguese are Portugal, whose navigators and explorers made the language known to the rest of the world; the former Asian colony of Macau, where the official languages are Chinese and Portuguese; and the former African colony of Guinea-Bissau, and the former South American colony of Brazil, both of which keep Portuguese as their official languages.

What part of the world made up the Portuguese Empire?

Northern Africa, Southeastern and southwestern Africa, Part of India, Part of China and Brazil.

Why is Brazilian Portuguese now the definitive version of the language over European Portuguese?

Brazilian Portuguese is more widely spoken than European Portuguese due to Brazil's larger population and global influence. Additionally, Brazil has a booming economy and cultural industry that has propelled Brazilian Portuguese to become more prominent in the world. This has led to Brazilian Portuguese being seen as the definitive version of the language in terms of usage and influence.

What was Brazil's first name?

Brazil's first name was Ilha de Vera Cruz ("Island of the True Cross"), because the Portuguese that found the land thought that was an Island, in the expedition led by Pedro Alvarez Cabral, from Portugal. Later they would figure that was much bigger than they thought that was and named it Santa Cruz Land. Many years later, after discovery, the wood called Brazil and made great profit on it, the Portuguese named this continental country Brazil.

Who colonized Argentina first?

It was colonized by the Spanish for the same reasons as the rest of Latin America except Brazil, which was colonized by the Portuguese.

What made Brazil so valuable to Portugal?

It had a boatload of gold and precious stones and other minerals, and really good lumber, plus a great place for agriculture.

What describes Portuguese colonies but not Spanish colonies?

Portuguese colonies, unlike Spanish colonies, spread across four continents - Africa, Asia, South America, and Oceania. Additionally, Portuguese colonies, such as Brazil and Mozambique, had significant indigenous populations that mixed with Portuguese settlers, leading to the development of distinct cultural identities.