Tantalus was always tortured by food and water that was close to him but out of his grasp. Tantalize means to do what Tantalus had to suffer from.
Tantalus was the son of Zeus the god and Plouto the nymphe.
Because he was a god stupid
Hurr. The gods.
Tantalus committed the crime of sacrilege by serving his son, Pelops, as a meal to the gods during a banquet. The gods were horrified by this act and punished Tantalus with eternal torment in the afterlife.
the word used for a partner in an evil deed is accomplice
It is about the Day of Qiyamah when the earth will be shaken, every thing destroyed. Every individual will witness even the slightest good deed or evil deed that he or she committed during earthly life.
it depends on you and your deed. EVIL is a big word. Robbing a bank is evil, lets cross out evil on your to do list
Tantalus monkey was created in 1841.
Aellopos tantalus was created in 1758.
The population of Tantalus Media is 70.
Tantalus Media was created in 1994.
one good deed done by you will be returned to you by others doing your favour one evil deed done by you will be returned to you by something evil done to you!!
Tantalus was always tortured by food and water that was close to him but out of his grasp. Tantalize means to do what Tantalus had to suffer from.
In the Face of Evil Reagan's War in Word and Deed - 2004 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG-13
The accepted scientific name is Aellopos tantalus.