The main difference between an Ancient Greek banquet and an Ancient Roman banquet was the number of courses served.
What we today call Greek Mythology came from the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean. Most other mythology comes to us from cultures who did not record their religion nearly so long or detailed a way.
The army weren’t as fierce
Ancient Greek money was all coinage and probably all gold. Modern money is now alloy or paper.
In ancient mythology, Greek and Egyptian gods were often seen as separate pantheons with their own unique characteristics and stories. However, there were instances of cultural exchange and syncretism where some Greek and Egyptian gods were identified with each other or shared similar attributes. Overall, the relationship between Greek and Egyptian gods in ancient mythology was complex and varied depending on the context.
There are two goddesses that might be called the "goddess of reason:" Metis and Athene. There is a slight difference between the two. Metis is the Titan of wisdom and knowledge. Athene is the goddess of intelligence.
that in ancient China people woresilk not wool like the Greek
Greek mythology is the religion of the ancient Greek people. Historical fiction is composed by a writer.
we dont have horse and chariot racing
ya mum
Of course there is. During the Greek antiquity there was no communication between Greece and New Zealand.
The difference between modern day theatre and ancient Greek theater is that in ancient Greece only boys could act in the shows. The stages were tilted instead of the chairs for the audience and they used big two sided masks made of rock.
At Greeks time, it was not mythology but now it is. For the ancient Greeks, it was their religion, now it is a collection of interesting stories.
Chaotic difference!!!! When greek people had democracy and speaking about philosophy, American people were hung from the trees!!!!
The U.S. government is a federal republic with a system of checks and balances between its branches, while Ancient Greek government varied across city-states but commonly included forms of direct democracy, oligarchy, and tyranny. The U.S. government is structured on a constitution, whereas Ancient Greek government often operated without a written constitution.
How they are perceived by the ancient people who worshiped them; the Greek gods as interactive and social, the Roman gods as remote and revered as gods and military.
The truth is that there is no difference. The only thing that makes you think that there is a difference is the name. The Greek myths are all from the ancient times, hence "Ancient Greece"
"Land between rivers"