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Q: What was the name of the Egyption god that was replaced by Osiris?
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Who is the God of the Nile also a god of the underworld and judge of the dead?

Osiris. Anubis was originally the God of the underworld, but Osiris replaced him in the Middle Kingdom.

What is the god name of osiris?

Osiris is the Greek spelling/pronunciation of the name of the Egyptian god, his Egyptian name meant "he of the throne".

The god of rebirthand ruler of the dead in ancient Egypt was named what?

Anubis was the most important god of the Dead but he was replaced during the Middle Kingdom by Osiris.

What is the name of the Egyptian prince of the dead?

Osiris is the Egyptian god of the underworld.

What was the name of the underworld god in Egypt?

Osiris -- god of the afterlife

Are the shoes Osiris related in any way to the Egyptian god Osiris?

No they are not, only by name.

Who is the god of the dead Egypt?

Osiris is the Egyptian god of death while Anubis was in charge of performing the "funerals." Before Osiris was the god of death, he was the king of the gods.

What is the name of Egyptian's god of the underworld and the afterlife?

Anubis was the god of death and underworld, his head was a jackals because at the time, jackals would eat the unhidden mummies and the jackal was a good animal to represent death Osiris is the god of the Underworld. The difference between the two of them is that Anubis "supervised" the dying process and escorted the dead to the Underworld. Actual control of that realm was relegated to Osiris.

Why did Anubis get replaced by Osiris?

Anubis was not replaced. According to ancient Egyptian mythology he was god of the dead, responsible for determining the afterlife of the deceased, and Osiris was made lord of the underworld, presumably in charge of overseeing those afterlives.

How is osiris important?

Osiris was the god of the underworld. Osiris was killed by his brother Set or Seth. Isis is Osiris' wife and god of mother nature.

What was Osiris?

His name was Osiris. The Egyptian god of "the harvest" and of "eternal life" while his wife, Isis, was the goddess of "the afterlife."

Who is the Egyption God of the Earth?

Geb, God of the Earth