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Persephone is Zeus and Demeters daughter. One day while in the meadow with her mother, picking flowers. Hades was nearby bringing dead souls to the underworld. Eros, the god of love, shot an arrow at Hades and he instantly fell in love with Persephone. The first person he saw. He then raced up in his chariot of black horses and captured her to bring down to th underworld. Demeter, the goddess of harvest, did not let anything grow until she found her daughter. Then Demeter had a idea, she went down to the underworld and found Hades with persephone, and demanded her return. Hades, with no other option had to let her leave. but before she did he had her eat a few seeds (if you eat in the underworld u will have to come back) and one day Persephone wanted to go back and now she lives with Hades as king and queen of the underworld. persephone only lives in the underworld during winter and autumn, she is with her mother in the spring and summer. that's why there are seasons

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Q: What was the story of Demeter Persephone and Hades?
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Why did Demeter follow Persephone?

Persephone was Demeter's daghter, so when hades kidnapped her, of course Demeter wanted her back. Eventually, the time Persephone spent with Demeter and the time with Hades was divided. When Persephone was with Hades, it was Winter. When she was with Demeter, it was Summer.

How does winter happen?

In Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of harvest. Her daughter is Persephone. Hades is the god of the underworld and he kidnapped Persephone. To make a long story short, there was an agreement made between Hades and Demeter to share Persephone. When Persephone is with Hades, Demeter is so sad that nothing will grow and that is why winter happens.

Why does hades leave the underworld in the story of Demeter?

To take Persephone, daughter of Demeter and Zeus, to the Underworld as wife.

Is Demeter married to Hades?

No. Demeter's daughter Persephone is married to Hades.

What is an interesting story about hades?

Before Persephone became the wife of Hades, he had a lover called Mintha and either Demeter or Persephone turned her into the herb, mint.

Who did Hades desire?

Persephone, daughter of Demeter.

What natural phenomenon is explained by the story of Persephone?

The story of Persephone explains the changing seasons. When Persephone is in the underworld with Hades, her mother Demeter mourns, causing winter. When Persephone returns to the surface, Demeter rejoices, bringing spring and summer.

Did Demeter like Hades?

In Greek mythology, Demeter did not have a romantic relationship with Hades. However, she did confront him when he abducted her daughter Persephone to the Underworld, which ultimately led to a compromise that allowed Persephone to split her time between the Underworld and the surface world.

What is the story of Persephone and hades?

Hades abducted Persephone, Demeter her mother went in search of her and her duties were neglected and humans started to starve, then Demeter learned where Persephone was and demanded her daughter back and Zeus agreed so long as Persephone had not eaten or drank anything while in the Underworld, but she had; so Persephone spends half the year above the earth with her mother and half below with Hades her husband.

Who seized by Hades daughter of Demeter?

Persephone was the daughter of Demeter seized by Hades. Persephone later married Hades and became Queen of the Underworld as well as goddess of spring.

The daughter of Demeter who married Hades?


Who went to hades?

Persephone the daughter of Demeter