The Viking god, Thor, had the powers to thunder and the sky. His powerful weapon was his hammer that he used in battles.
Thor carried a hammer because it was magic and would help him with powers. The hammer was a gift that is father gave him.
In Viking belief, Thor was a reassuring presence in times of crisis, particularly in the face of tyrants or over-zealous Christian missionaries. As the thunder god, he holds a thunder-hammer, Mjollnir, which has powers of destruction, fertility and resurrection. By the end of the Viking era, Thor had become a greater god than his father, Odin.
Odin does not hate Thor, Thor is the son of Odin.
No, Thor was a Norse god.
The Viking god, Thor, had the powers to thunder and the sky. His powerful weapon was his hammer that he used in battles.
Thor is the god of thunder. It is said when he strikes his harmer lighting strikes.
No, but he has super human abilities.
Strength and the power of lightning.
Thor, god of Thunder.
lord of thunderstorms (mjollnir thors hammer)
Thor had great strength which was amplified with mjolnir and his magical belt that doubled his strength.
Thor carried a hammer because it was magic and would help him with powers. The hammer was a gift that is father gave him.
In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder and his powers come from his lineage as the son of Odin, the king of the gods. He wields the hammer Mjolnir, which was crafted by the dwarves and is enchanted to channel his power. The hammer is a symbol of Thor's strength and ability to protect both the gods and humans.
Depends...In powers?ThorIn speed/strategyX-ManThese are mine opinions...Thor or X-Man can be stronger, you can pick that.
One example of dramatic irony in Thor is when the audience knows that Odin has cast Thor out of Asgard and stripped him of his powers, but Thor does not initially realize this and continues to act arrogantly as if he is still the powerful god of thunder. The audience is aware of Thor's fall from grace while he remains unaware.
In the Marvel Universe, Thor is generally considered to be stronger than Storm. Thor is an Asgardian god with superhuman strength, durability, and his mystical hammer Mjolnir gives him various powers. Storm, on the other hand, is a mutant with the ability to manipulate weather, which does not give her the same level of physical strength as Thor.