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He was pharaoh at the time he was pharaoh

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Q: When did pharaoh Hor-Aha rule?
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Who was the last pharaoh to ruled Egypt?

Cleopatra was the last pharaoh to to rule ancient Egypt.

Who did the pharaoh rule?

The Egyptians

What objects helped the pharaoh rule the land?

pharaoh dump bump!

What was the pharaoh's job?

the Pharaoh's job was to rule the society of Egypt. he or she was considered to be a god or goddess. what else?

Where did the pharaoh rule?

The pharaoh ruled in upper and lower egypt :)EgyptEgypt

How did Egyptian pharaoh rule their empire?


Who was the poorest pharaoh to rule Egypt?

your fat

Who was the 1st woman to rule Egypt as a pharaoh?

Queen Sobeknefru, or perhaps a first dynasty pharaoh.

What was thee basis for pharaoh rule in New kingdom?

My dick is bigger, therefore I rule.

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