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Amanda is Latin and it means lovable.

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Q: Where did the name Amanda come from and what does it mean?
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Where I come from, there are a lot of Amanda's.

Which countary does the name Amanda come from?

Its Latin ......

What does the name Amanda mean in Greek language?

The name Amanda means Lovable in Greek Language!!! The name Amanda means Lovable in Greek Language!!!

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The nicest baby name is "Amanda." The name Amanda will mean the child is very loving.

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What does the name Amanda really mean?

Latin amanda meaning "lovable, worthy of love".

What country does the name Amanda come from?

Amanda is a Latin word meaning "loveable".But the name is not from Ancient Rome; it was artificially coined by English writers.

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What does Amanda mean in Choctaw?

Amanda does not have any meaning in the Choctaw language. Amanda is a female name of Latin origin that means "lovable."

Where did the name Amanda come from?

Created in the 17th century by the playwright Colley Cibber, who based it on Latin Amanda meaning "lovable". (First Name Origin)

Where does the name Amanda come from originally?

It is a latin name which also means "to be loved" "loveable" such a lovely name.