The word 'suds' is believed to originate from the Middle Dutch word: sudse, meaning bog.
its from ..the word :"die" and "dairy:" !! ^^
Searches is the plural of search
Word searches are great for developing pattern recognition, and also for teaching kids basic spelling. More difficult word searches are good for persistance and teaching the ability to persevere through tough problems.
There are many sites on the internet where you can find free printable puzzles and games including word searches. Spelling City, The Kidz Page and Tools For Educators all have word searches.
the purpose of the not word is not to know
Where does Thank you originate?
Yes, the word "bolshy" does originate from the "bolsheviks".
Word searches are easy -- that sounds like a fun activity to me, instead of having pop quizzes and essay questions!
The word 'suds' is believed to originate from the Middle Dutch word: sudse, meaning bog.
You can find free printable word searches online at, they have many different types of word search puzzles which are bound to suit your taste.