where does name saavedra come from
The name sharoy come from Israel.
What country did the name Tosches come from?
What country does the name Travis come from
the name come from ancient Greece and it means pure
A petabyte is 1000 time larger, so would come "after", a terabyte.
Everything in the decimal system gets a new name for every power of 1,000 So .... * 1,000 bytes = 1 kilobyte * 1,000 kilobytes = 1 megabyte * 1,000 megabytes = 1 gigabyte * 1,000 gigabytes = 1 terabyte * 1,000 terabytes = 1 petabyte So 1 terabyte = 1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 megabytes
I assume you mean terabyte, and a petabyte
there is 1000000 mega bytes in a terabyte
One terabyte = 1024 gigabyte
Yes. 1000 gigabytes is 1 terabyte.
1 Terabyte = 1024 gigabytes.
1 Terabyte equals 1099511627776 Bytes
Terabyte is bigger. A Gigabyte is a billion (milliard to our UK friends) bytes. A Terabyte is a thousand of those, a million million bytes. I hope this answers your question.
a terabyte is bigger it is equal to 1000 gigabytes and is equal to 1000000000000bytes (1 trillion)
1,024 gigabytes (GB) equals 1 terabyte (TB) A terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes.
The next measurement in the series would be the terabyte. A terabyte is equal to 1024 gigabytes.