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Q: Which class in Greece was made of slaves?
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Related questions

Who made up the lower class in ancient Greece?

Slaves, peasants, freedmen, and workers.

What country made illegal to import slaves?

People think it was Greece, or a country near Greece.

What was Egypts Lower Class made up of?


What is the organization of Greece?

Ancient Greece was distinguished by a rather simple social class system. Greek society was divided mainly into two groups: free men and slaves (who were owned by the former). Slaves had no legal rights, and they worked as servants for the free people.

Who were the people who made up the lowest and largest class in society?


Who in ancient Greece made the group of non-citizens?

Women, slaves, foreigners, resident aliens.

What happened to the people of Troy?

After the Trojan war, they were brought to Greece and were made slaves.

What is the social organization of Greece?

Ancient Greece was distinguished by a rather simple social class system. Greek society was divided mainly into two groups: free men and slaves (who were owned by the former). Slaves had no legal rights, and they worked as servants for the free people.

What was the lower class of Egypt made up of?

The lower class Egyptians were made up of Slaves, peasants, and workers people such as farmers and scribes.

What were the three social that divided the people in Sumer?

The first class which was made up of Kings and Queens. The middle class which was made up of mostly farmers. The lower class which was made up of slaves.[If you was a slave you was one for your whole life was not let go] You want to add the part about the slaves

What were the three social classes that divided the in sumer?

The first class which was made up of Kings and Queens. The middle class which was made up of mostly farmers. The lower class which was made up of slaves.[If you was a slave you was one for your whole life was not let go] You want to add the part about the slaves

What was the upper class in Greece called?

The upper class in Greece were considered the patrician.