I think it was the Egyptians - papyrus is paper made out of reeds...
Papyrus is paper invented in 3000bc and was used for paintings and writing until the 11th century AD.
Cleopatra herself wrote on papyrus scrolls. Tomb decoraters wrote about her on the walls of tombs.
In Egypt
in the ancient Egyptian era
The Egyptian invented the papayrus from a certain plant, from which we get the word paper.
Egypt invented papyrus papers used as scrolls for the hand written individual or state communication
They use to write on scrolls. Usually made out of papyrus.
Ancient Egyptians primarily used papyrus scrolls for writing. These scrolls were made from the papyrus plant found along the Nile River. However, in more modern times, Egyptians use books like people in other parts of the world.
wood and water
Papyrus which they made out of a plant called papyrus. How creative is that?
They are called scrolls, like 'the Dead Sea Scrolls'.
Pompeii was a Roman city which destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius of 79 AD. At that time the Romans still used papyrus scrolls and made notebooks made with bound parchment pages. The Romans invented the codeces (plural of codex) which were papyrus or parchment bound books later.
Yes, and we have many of them today.
papyrus or leather
Most likely it could be papyrus and hides of animals.