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The ultimate authority was the general assembly of adult male citizens who decided on all substantive policy issues. The council implemented their decisions and governed between the regular assembly meetings.

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Q: Who could limit the power of the council of elders in Sparta?
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Why did Sparta and Athens not trust each other?

For a long period they were allies. Then after Athens established an empire after the Persian Wars, it became intrusive of other city-states and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta tried to limit this.

Why did Sparta want to weaken Athens power in ancient Geece?

Athens had headed the Delian League which protected the eastern Greek cities from Persian dominance. When Persia withdrew, Athens turned the league into an empire, and used this power to interfere in the affairs of other Greek cities. This led the cities of the Peloponnesian League to appeal to Sparta to lead action to limit Athens' power. Athens refused compromise and a destructive 27 year war ensued, which the Athenians lost, and were stripped of their empire, reducing them to a second rate power which could no longer try to dominate Greece and live high on the proceeds.

How many roles could characters have in a greek play?

There is no specific limit. Actors wore masks, so one actor could easily play several roles just by donning several masks. The maximum number of roles in a given play was limited by the fact that he couldn't be on the stage playing two characters at the same time. So, the maximum was: 'the number of characters that did not have to appear simultaneously on the stage'.

How did Greek city-states apply democracy how did they limit democracy?

they helped each other

How old did you have to be to become a gladiator?

There was no age limit placed on who became a gladiator. As long as a person was brawny it did not matter whether they were a teenager or adult.

Related questions

Did Sparta have a limited democracy?

Sparta had a limited democracy. Sparta had two kings who ruled the city-state. They also had a 28 member council which could limit the power of the kings.

Did Athens or Sparta limit women in politics?

Athens limited women in politics

Why did Sparta and Athens not trust each other?

For a long period they were allies. Then after Athens established an empire after the Persian Wars, it became intrusive of other city-states and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta tried to limit this.

Why did the colonies reject the Albany of the union?

The Grand Council would limit colonies to certain powers.

How old do you have to be to go to the the Holocaust?

There is no age limit; a new born can go if you want. During WWII there was still no age limit but babies and elders where killed right away.

Is there a limit to how small a living cell could be and what factors would contribute to this limit?

no there is not a limit to how small a living cell could be

Why did the colonial assemblies reject the plan of union?

The Grand Council would limit colonies to certain powers.

Why didn't the elders decide to allow birthmothers to have four baby instead of three in the giver?

The decision to limit birthmothers to three babies instead of four was likely made by the Elders as a way to control population growth within the community. By restricting births to three per birthmother, they could manage and maintain a stable population size without putting excessive strain on resources. Additionally, keeping the birth limit at three may have been a way to maintain order and conformity within the society's strict rules and regulations.

Why did the colonial assemblies reject the Albany Plan of Union?

The Grand Council would limit colonies to certain powers.

What is the upper limit for the total number of minsters in the union council of ministers?

15% of the total strenghs of Lok Sabha

Why did the colonial assemblies reject the Albany plans of union?

The Grand Council would limit colonies to certain powers.

What is the legal limit of dogs you can own?

It's different in all places, do some research or ask your town/city council