no one did but the pope crowned him emperor of the franks.
AnswerPope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day in the year 800 in St. Peter's one did but the pope crowned him emperor of the franks.
AnswerPope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day in the year 800 in St. Peter's Basilicia.Charlemagne was not crowned emperor of the Romans. He was crowned as the Holy Roman Emperor, which had nothing to do with ancient Rome. The so-called Holy Roman Empire was a Germanic kingdom of the Middle Ages.
Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans on December 25, 800 AD by Pope Leo III. As far as the people of his empire were concerned, he was what his title called him. There were issues, however. Please see use the link to the related question below for more information.
Converted his kingdom to Christianity.
This question is probably impossible to answer, because nothing is recorded that answers it. We have been told that Charlemagne's coronation as emperor was a surprise to him, but we do not know he opposed it. Charlemagne was crowned three times. He did not oppose the first two, when he was crowned King of the Franks and King of the Lombards.
It happened in Rome, on Christmas night of the year 800, when pope Leo 3rd , at the end of the mass in the basilic of Saint Peter, crowned Charles of the Franks as ''Ceasar and Emperor of the Romans''. Charles was dressed as a roman senator, the frank army officers in the church claimed him saying ''To Charles the Great, pious emperor krowned by God, life and victory'', while the roman people in the square in front of the basilical church claimed him as ''Charles Augustus, Great and pious Emperor of the Romans''. To note: Charlemagne was entitled Ceasar and Emperor of the Romans, not Holy Roman Emperor. The first who took this tile was only Otto 1st of Saxony in 963 a.D.
Charlemagne was crowned as King of the Franks in 768. More importantly, he was crowned Emperor of the Romans (or Emperor of the West) on December 25, 800.
Charlemagne was not crowned emperor of the Romans. He was crowned as the Holy Roman Emperor, which had nothing to do with ancient Rome. The so-called Holy Roman Empire was a Germanic kingdom of the Middle Ages.
Charlemagne was crowned empror of the Romans by Pope Leo III in 800
Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne as Emperor of the Romans on December 25, 800 AD.
Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne as Emperor of the Romans on Christmas Day, 800 AD in Rome.
In 800, Pope Leo III (750-816) crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans.
Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne as Emperor of the Romans, on December 25, 800.
Charlemagne was crowned emperor in Rome.
Charlemagne was declared Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III when Leo crowned him on December 25, 800.
Charlemagne was crowned King of the Franks in 768. He was crowned Emperor of the Romans, an empire we now call the Carolingian Empire, in 800. He ruled until he died in 814.
Charlemagne was crowned the new Roman emperor in A.D. 800