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Nausicaa, the beautiful princess of Phaeacians

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Q: Who discovers Odysseus washed up on King Alcinous' land?
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Who finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous?

The person that finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous is Navsicaa.

How does king alcinous treat Odysseus in his place even thoug he is a stranger?

king alcinous treat odysseus with rescpect.

What was king alcinous known for that was speacil?

King Alcinous helped Odysseus when his ship wrecked.

Who is the narrator in I am laertes' son?

'I am Laertes' son' is the beginning of the Odyssey. The section is about Odysseus, son of Laertes, telling the beginning of his hard journery to King Alcinous on the island of Phaeacia. Before he was washed ashore to the island of Phaeacia, Odysseus has lost all his men on boats. He is the only one to survive the harsh journey, but yet, he is not home. Poseidon, God of the Sea, makes it rough for Odysseus to reach home, to Ithaca. When Odysseus is washed ashore on the island of Phaeacia, women that work for the king discovers Odysseus and takes him to bathe, feed, and cloth. Thus, when Odysseus eats with King Alcinous during a festival, he tells him who he is and begins his story of why he hasn't returned home for ten years.

What king accepts Odysseus into his court?

king alcinous

Where does daughter of King Alcinous find Odysseus?

at a river

How does Princess Nausicaa help Odysseus Why How is Odysseus received by King Alcinous?

Princess Nausicaa helps Odysseus by providing him with clothing and guidance when he washes ashore in Phaeacia. Odysseus is received warmly by King Alcinous who offers him hospitality and listens to his tale of adventures. Alcinous decides to help Odysseus return home.

What was the name of King Alcinous daughter who first greeted Odysseus after he landed on the island?

When Odysseus arrives in Phaeacia the first person he meets is Nausicaa. Nausicaa is the daughter of King Alcinous and gives Odysseus clothes to wear.

Where does nausicaa daughter of king alcinous find Odysseus?

at a river

What king does Odysseus tell his journey to?

King Alcinous of the Phaeacians, Nausicaa's father.

Who send Odysseus back to Ithaca?

The Phaeacians sent Odysseus back to Ithaca thanks to their king, King Alcinous.

Who is The Phaeacian king who hosts Odysseus?

Alcinous is the Phaeacian king, also the father of Nausicaa.