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The nymphs, satyrs and dryads and other mythical creatures.

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Q: Who fed ambrosia and nectar to the gods?
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In Greek myth who fed exclusively on ambrosia and nectar?

The gods

Was the gods favorite food nectar twinkied poptarts ambrosia or ichor?

Ambrosia. Nectar was their drink.

What did the Greek gods and goddesses eat?

The Greek gods and goddesses typically ate ambrosia and drank nectar.

To feed on ambrosia and nectar?

That was what the Greek gods fed on, supposedly the very best of food and drink. But nobody is certain what those foodstuffs were.

What would be a food that the Greek gods would eat-need recipe for HS project?

The Greek gods fed on nectar and ambrosia. The trouble is nobody has found a recipe.

What food drink meansfood of gods?

Ambrosia and nectar.

What do the gods of mount Olympus eat?

The gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus eat ambrosia and drink nectar

What was the food of Roman gods?

It seems they feasted on Nectar and Ambrosia like their Greek counterparts.

How did the Greek Gods live?

The immortal gods of Olympus lives in golden palaces atop the mountain built by Hephaestos. They fed on ambrosia and drank nectar and watched their wards from on high.

What did the gods eat and drink?

The Greek gods ate ambrosia. They drank nectar.

Is steak considered a food of the gods?

No. The traditional food of the gods was nectar and ambrosia.

What did the Greeks think that their gods ate?

They ate nectar and ambrosia.