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Who was the leader of the dark ages

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Q: Who invented the dark ages?
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How did dark ages get that name?

Light hadn't been invented yet.

Who invented the pound sterling?

Nobody invented it. The traditional English coins were originally based on those current in the Dark Ages in western Europe.

Who invented the term dark ages?

Italian scholar, poet and early humanist named Francesco Petrarca.

Was the pencil created during the dark ages?

People in the Dark Ages had such things as the stylus, which was made of actual lead and were used for marking. The pencil, as we know it, has a core of graphite held in wood, and this was invented during the Renaissance.

Who labeled the Renaissance as dark ages?

The Renaissance was not labeled the "dark ages". Renaissance means "rebrith" and it came AFTER the "dark ages or the middle ages."

What is a another name for the Middle Ages?

Dark Ages and\or Medieval Ages

What is a more appropriate historical title for the medieval time period AD 500 to 1500 the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages?

The Middle Ages. "Dark Ages" was invented by people living in the later Renaissance period, because they thought that living in a time without the benefit of the knowledge and full appreciation of the art and philosophiy of ancient Rome an Greece meant that you were 'living in the dark'. In reality, there was nothing 'dark' about the middle ages. It was a period full of development and discovery. "Middle" Ages simply indicates that this was the period between Antiquity and Renaissance.

Rome before the dark ages vs during the dark ages?

Before. Rome fell in 410 AD which started the "dark ages"

What was the age known before the dark ages?

the age before the dark ages is the high middle ages

What are five chararistics of the dark ages?

dark ages, middle ages, medieval, feudal, age of faith.

Did the greek dark ages begin in 1150?

The Greek Dark Ages began in about the year 1200 BC. There is no exact year for their beginning. Clearly, the Greek Dark Ages and the Dark Ages were not the same thing, and they were not really related, as the Dark Ages began in the middle of the 5th century AD.