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I don't underatand your question. If you are asking if Mercury is a roman god, then yes. His Greek name was Hermes.

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Q: Who is mercury 's roman god?
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What is the roman god names when mercury got its name?

The Roman god is Mercury.

The god Mercury was he roman or greek?

The god Mercury was Roman. His Greek name was Hermes.

Where do you find the image of the Roman god Mercury?

Go to Google images, then type in roman god Mercury.

Who is the roman god of the planet Mercury?

Mercury [See Link] was a messenger and the Roman God of commerce and thievery.

What did the greek god Mercury do?

There is no Greek god mercury, he was a roman god, and he was the god of war and weapons.

Was the god mercury greek or Roman?

He was the Roman form of the god Hermes

What roman god was Mercury?

Mercury was the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hermes. He was the messenger for the gods, known for his speed.

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The Roman god Mercury.

How did Mercury git its name?

From the roman god Mercury

Why did Mercury get that name?

It was named after the Roman god Mercury.

Which god was Mercury named after?

Mercury is the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes.

Which roman god was mercurey named after?

Mercury, the element also known as "quicksilver", is called after the Roman messenger god Mercury.