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The father of the known muses in Greek Mythology was Zeus, offspring of Mmemosyne, goddess of memory.

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Q: Who is the father of the muses?
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Who was the mother of the muses?

The Titaness Mnemosyne. Their father was Zeus.

Where did the muses live?

It is believed that the Muses lived on Mount Helicon. They lived far away from their father Zeus who resided on Mount Olympus.

Is Athena the sister of muse?

Half-sisters to the Muses, because their father was Zeus.

Where is muses on Poptropica?

The muses are in the temple of Apollo.

When was The Nine Muses created?

The Muses Are Heard was created in 1956.

Are any of the Muses a boy?

All Muses are female.

When was Delight of the Muses created?

Delight of the Muses was created in 1992.

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Krewe of Muses was created in 2000.

When was The Disquieting Muses created?

The Disquieting Muses was created in 1916.

What do the muses and sirens have in common?

The Sirens are the daughters of the Muses, the mothers being the Muses Melpomene or Terpsichore by the River god Achelous.

Who sirens were associated with?

Persephone (whom they were companions of before she was Queen of the Underworld), the Muses (one of which is said to have been their mother, Melpomenê - muse of tragedy, or Terpsikhorê - of choral song and dancing: they are also said to have had a contest with the Muses) as well as Achelous - often said to be their father.

How many pages does The Muses Are Heard have?

The Muses Are Heard has 182 pages.