

Who is the god of balance?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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There are two god who are named as the god of balance : Dike and Themis!

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12y ago
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Q: Who is the god of balance?
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typically my name is jayden, reading into a book of my birth jayden does mean jade from a stone, my date of birth October, 8 i was born under the God of Balance i typically dont know what this god does but i think of it as balance kf the world, balance of life, a person who stops fights.

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If you mean the Ying-Yang symbol, I don't exactly know for sure. But I am just letting you know that it is NOT good. What the ying yang symbol is trying to say is that good and evil are equal which they are NOT. God is good and Satan is evil. Satan definetly is not equal to God. God has power over EVERYTHING. He created you and me. He loves you so much. Don't fall into Satan's little traps. God Bless<3

Is there a greek god or goddess of balance?

No, however Dike (Justice) was 'balanced' by her opposite, Adikia (Injustice). Where there was Tyche (Fortune) was Nemesis (Fair Distribution). Such was the 'balance' of the Greek gods and goddesses.

Only God can Save Satan?

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