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Cronus ate his childeren to escape the curse his father put on him.

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Q: Who tries to escape his fate and eats his children in greek mythology?
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How does King Acrisios try to escape his fate?

how did king acrisios tries twice to escape his fate

Who was the greek god zeus' wife?

Hera, goddess of marriage. Her symbols are pomegranates and peacocks. She is often trying to make hell for Zeus's lovers, but can never tries to make hell for Zeus because he's... well... Too powerful. She never has any children of her own with anybody other than Zeus because she's the goddess of marriage.

In Norse mythology what is the golden apples?

The tree of golden apples was a wedding present from Zeus to Hera. They were guarded by many creatures in different myths and one hero had a quest to steal one.No it's this. During a festivity, which is the wedding of the parents of Achilles, Eris, the goddess of discord, was not invited. She got mad, so she gatecrashed the party and threw a golden apple with the inscription, "to the fairest". Three goddesses claimed the apple. These are Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. They cannot decide who the fairest of them three is, so they appointed a Trojan prince by the name of Paris to judge who is the fairest of the three goddesses. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all tries to bribe Paris with different things. Hera offered Paris to be the king of Europe and Asia. Athena offered to give him wisdom and skills to triumph in all wars. Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman, Helen of Sparta, who is the wife of the Greek king Menelaus. Paris chose Aphrodite, and it ignited the Trojan War._____________________________________________________________Actually these are both Greek myths but as the question refers to 'apples' not 'apple' I would presume is is referring to the first story.

Why does Odysseus become angry with eurylochus?

Odysseus becomes angry because Eurylochus tries to undermine his leadership. Eurylochus disregards Odysseus in front of the sailors and unsuccessfully tries to mutiny.

What does Tantalize have to do with mythology?

Tantalize comes from Tantalus who was a king that was loved by the gods and invited to parties with them, but then he offended them because he feed his own son to the gods as dinner for a party. When Zeus found out about this he punished him by sending Tantalus to the underworld were he always will have food just out of his reach and drink that moves away when he tries to drink. Others say that Tantalus was telling secrets about the gods to mortals instead of feeding the gods his own son.

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Witches do not exist but in mythology, they do eat children. For example, the witch in the fairytale "Hansel and Gretel" tries to cook them in the oven to eat them.

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Maybe because escape is impossible.

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Romeo kills him when Paris tries to arrest him. Paris is under the impression that Romeo is hanging around the Capulet tomb to desecrate it.

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In the Odyssey, Gaea is not a character. Gaea is a primordial goddess in Greek mythology associated with the Earth, but she is not mentioned in Homer's epic poem. The Odyssey mainly focuses on the adventures of the hero Odysseus as he tries to return home after the Trojan War.

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Tom tries to escape because he believes that there is no hope for his acquittal. (state of being found or proved not guilty) Tom thinks irrational because of fear, and tries to escape a horrible death. (the electric chair) What Tom didn't realize was that he would die whether he tried to escape or if he stayed put.

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To escape the island, Cole builds a makeshift raft out of logs and tries to navigate the treacherous waters back to the mainland. He also tries to signal passing boats for help by using flares and a makeshift flag.

Is Medusa on mythology island?

Yes, she is on Mythology Island, on the path to Mount Olympus. She turns Hercules into stone when he tries to pull her snake hair. (He seems happy enough as a statue, though.)