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The Greek counterpart of the Minerva was Athena.

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Q: Who was the Greek counterpart to the Roman goddess Minerva?
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What was Minerva's greek name?

The Greek counterpart of the Roman goddess, Minerva, was Athena.

Is Athena a Roman or Greek goddess?

Athena is a Greek goddess. Minerva was her Roman counterpart.

What was the greek name of Athena?

Athena is the Greek name of a Greek goddess. Her Roman counterpart was Minerva.

Is Athena a Greek goddess?

Yes she is. She is then Greek goddess of wisdom, the arts, and battle strategies. Her Roman counterpart is Minerva.

What is the goddess athenas roman name?

Aite (or Atë) was the Greek personification of Ruin, and she had no Roman counterpart.

Which Greek goddess had Minerva as her Roman equivalent?

The Greek goddess Athena had Minerva as her Roman equivalent.

How did the Greeks worship Minerva?

The Greeks would not have worshiped the Roman goddess Minerva- they would have worshiped her Greek counterpart, Athena. See 'related questions'.

What is Greek goddess Minerva goddess of?

Minerva was a Roman Goddess.She ruled over:* wisdom * medicine * the arts * science * trade * war She also was the patroness of physicians and the inventor of numbers and musical instruments.Her Greek counterpart was Athena.

Who is the Roman goddess Minerva?

Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom, invention, the arts, and martial prowess (war). Her Greek counterpart was Athena. who also ate lots of pizza. and alwas whent to the mall and monster truk races.:) :) :) :) :) :)) :)) :(*****************************************************************)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$$$$$#$!%^~)

Was Minerva a roman god?

Minerva is the Roman goddess of strategy in war, and also the goddess of wisdom. Her Greek counterpart is Athena. Her sacred bird is the owl. Jupiter (Greek, Zeus) had a headache and a pain in his thigh, and when another god cut his thigh open, Minerva sprang out of it, full-grown and in armor.

Who the roman god of wisdom?

Enki, Lord of (Fresh) Water and Wisdom: Enki emits streams from his shoulders; he is the god who gave rulers their intelligence and who provided craftsmen with their skills; patron deity of Eridu.

Who gave Athena her roman name?

Romans named Athena counterpart to their goddess Minerva; Minerva was a goddess in her own right not co-dependent upon Athena, but counterpart in another culture.