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The absolute first ruler of Rome was Romulus

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Q: Who was the first Roman absolute ruler?
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It was complicated situation. There was a Roman Governate, which meant that there was a Roman Governor who wielded absolute power in the province of Iudea. However, the Romans allowed for King Herod to rule on a more local level as a subordinate autonomous ruler. Herod was also an absolute ruler save for the Roman authority to overrule him.

Who was the Roman ruler held the title of dictator or absolute ruler at the time of his assassination by members of the Senate?

Gaius Julius Caesar

Who was the the first ruler?

The first Roman ruler was Romulus, the founder of the city and its first king.

Was augustus a fair ruler?

Augustus was a fair ruler. He needed to be because he brought the Roman Republic to an end and established his own personal rule (thus becoming the first Roman emperor and starting the 503-uyear period of absolute ruler by emperors) whilst pretending he was restoring the civil war-torn Republic and its liberties.

What did being emperor of the roman empire mean?

Being emperor meant being in charge of the vast Roman Empire. The emperor was an absolute ruler.

Who defeated Anthony and became first ruler of the roman empire?

Octavian defeated Antony and became the first ruler of the Roman Empire.

Who was the first head of the Holy Roman Empire?

Charlemagne was the first ruler of the Holy Roman Empire.

Was Julius Caesar the first ruler of the roman empire?

No, Julius Caesar was the last dictator of the Roman republic. The man called the first ruler of the Roman empire or the first emperor was Augustus Caesar, the adopted son of Julius.

Is there an actual absolute ruler?

The King of Saudi Arabia today is an absolute ruler.

First ruler of the roman empire?

Augustus caesar

Which roman ruler held the title of dictator or absolute ruler at the time if his assassination by members of the senate?

Your thinking of Julius Caesar. He was made Dictator for Life shortly before his assassination.

What kind of ruler has absolute power?

A ruler who has absolute power can be called a dictator or despot.