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Zeus, Artemis and probably Apollo.

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Q: Who were the gods and goddesses who took the side of Troy in the Trojan war?
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Which gods were involved in the Trojan War?

Greeks: Hera Poseidon Athena Hephaetus Hermes These gods and goddesses helped the greeks in the trojan war! Trojans: Apollo Artemus Aphrodite Ares These gods were on the trojans' side! hope this helped xD

Did all gods and goddesses have a bad side?

Yes. In Greek Mythology all the Gods and Goddesses are shown to have both a good and bad side.

Which side where the Kos on in the Trojan War?

Kos was against Troy.

Who is side did Hera do in the Trojan war?

Hera was strongly on the Greeks, she was a Greek goddesses. She wounded Ares just because he was a Trojan.

Who sidded with Paris in the Trojan war?

Paris was the prince of Troy, and as such held them as allies. The gods who sided with Troy (Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, and others) as well as Troy's political allies (The Amazonians and Phyrigians for example) would also by default, side with Paris.

Which side used a 'trojan horse' to enter the city of Troy?

The Greeks.

What side was aeneas on in the Trojan war?

Aeneas was the leader of the Dardanians, allies of Troy.

Who is side was aphrodite on in the trojan war?

Troy. She gave Paris Helen's love.

Did the greek gods side with Sparta or Troy?

they split up

Why couldn't the Trojan gods help?

Ah, a very good, a very interesting question. The way Homer presents the action, the Greek gods are universal, they are worshipped by Greek and Trojan alike. Some of the gods were pro Greek and others were pro Trojan. Ultimately they were constrained in the degree to which they could help their side by Zeuss who was all powerful and thus had to consent to whatever they might do. Ultinately it was Zeuss' will that Troy should fall and the Trojan supporters could do nothing about that except save as many Trojans as they could and then harry the Greeks afterward.

What gods were on the side of the Trojans in the Trojan war?

Venus/Aphrodite: because her son, Aeneas, was a Trojan. Plus, Paris gave her the Golden Apple. Mars/Ares: because he basically followed Aphrodite. Apollo: because he was a patron god of Troy Artemis/Diana: because she was Apollo's twin.

Who was the leader during the Trojan War?

Over-king on the Greek side was Agamemnon. The king of Troy was Priam.