The Persians went back to running their empire responsibly and peacefully. The Greek city-states went back to fighting each other.
Paris was actually the one who started the Trojan War. He stole Menelaus's wife, Helen. King Priam was on his side. The Greeks ended the war by giving them a horse and attacking them. The Greeks ended the war by wining over the war.
They were mad.
He was very angry.
The suitors react with outrage, and threaten to kill Odysseus. They think the killing is an accident and still do not realize Odysseus' identity or intentions.
They harrsed
The Persians accepted that they could not bring the Greek city-states under control and concentrated on maintaining peace and stability within their empire, and repelling any intrusions from the Greeks. The Greek city-states, no longer under threat of peace being imposed by Persia, were free to go back to their fighting amongst each other. Athens turned the Delian League which it had led against the Persians in the later stage of the war, into an empire of its own, and used that power to interfere in the other Greek city-states led by Sparta, and brought on the devastating 27-year Peloponesian War.
Prtsia had incorporated the Greek city-states in Asia Minor into its empire. These cities had been established by mainland Greek cities, and when they revolted, sought help from their mother cities. Persia realised this as a source of ongoing trouble and decided that the only way to bring peace was to bring all the Greek city-states under control of Persian provincial governors and appoit local Greek tyrants to rule the cities. Some of the cities agreed, others resisted, causing the Persians to invade to enforce their policy.
different turtles react differently
well chemicals are different and most react differently. it depends on the chemical, really.
michal jackson
The Persian aim was to impose peace on the Greek city-states to stop their internal wars spillng over and disrupting the Persian Empire. When they failed to achieve this, they set about protecting their borders and promoting peace and prosperity within them. The Greek city-states, with the Persian threat gone, went back to their usual fighting each other with increasing ferocity.
scientists reacted differently around pangaea
Because everyone has different bodies
Liquids can react differently to different substances based on their chemical properties. Some liquids may dissolve in certain substances, form a homogeneous mixture, react chemically to produce a new substance, or remain unaffected by the presence of the other substance. The interaction between liquids and other substances depends on factors such as polarity, solubility, and chemical reactivity.
ask god
Because Shampoo is awsum