Kush traded ivory, animal hides and jewelry with your moms vigina
Many things including gold, ivory (which was used in Egypt and also on the buildings in ancient Rome), ebony and many of the animals found in central Africa
Pharaoh Thutmose I sent an army to take control of Kush. This effectively made the area a part of Egypt.
Kush covers about 2500 miles in Egypt.
I learned about the Kush civilization in social studies.
Because other trade routes went around Kush entirely.
Kush was weakened by the loss of trade.
kush was weakened, because there were more people coming in so they lost more and more of there exports/imports :)
pyramids kush's are smaller and Egypt's is bigger No.... The Relationship was trade. And since Egypt was bigger than Kush, Egypt conquered Kush and gave it the name Kush (it was previously named Nubia). _________________________________________________________________ No... The relationship WAS trade but Kush was IN Nubia. They are different.
Kush gains power from getting new weapons
Kush traded ivory, animal hides and jewelry with your moms vigina
I think so.
early kush people trade alot of things becouse they didnt have alot of things and they had to trade to get new thing or buy new things well and they trade with egypt and other certaliny africaans
Both Mali and Kush depended on gold trade to keep their kingdoms wealthy.