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Beacause gladiators were slaves, they were slaves beacause they either commited a crime.

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Q: Why do you think that the gladiators were enslaved to fight for entertainment?
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What would it be like to be a roman civilian?

well since rome was highly corrupt you would most likely be poor as crud... unless you were a traveling saleman... i think they were fairly rich... basically u would eat bread everyday that the government would hand out.. then you would go to the colluseum and watch gladiators kill each other.

Who did the Aztec King think Herman Cortes was?

The Aztec king believed that Herman Cortes was a god. Therefore, when Cortes arrived, instead of trying to fight him and his men, they were lavished with gifts, food and allowed into the city. They realized much too late that Cortes was not a god and by the time they tried to fight him off, he already had a significant and crippling advantage.

Why do you think the Greeks built their cities around a high acropolis?

The Greeks built their cities around a high acropolis because if some other country was attaking they could be safe and fight of the war from the inside.

Who dominated Rome lion or tiger?

TIGERFrom all sources going all the way back to Roman times the larger tiger almost always dominated. The lion holds emotional significance because of its lifestyle in Africa, the single male being the head of a pride, large mane, etc. etc.But in terms of physicality, the much larger tiger would tend to win a fight against a lion most times and the same was true in Rome.I think Ancient rome lion vs tiger is a lie. Ancient romans used animals to fight with gladiators and possibly with eachother. However there are no proofs that lion vs tiger fights even took place.Ancient rome was a huge empire that controlled southern europe and northern africa to around 4th century AD. It is true that gladiators were forced to fight wild animals and lion being the top predator of north africa is LIKELY to be pitted against such. Even if lions were used in such contests, its not likely for them to fight other animals. In fact, even if animal vs animal took place its most likely to be lion vs lion. The eastmost point of the Emire was Close to modern-day Baghdad, Iraq. The eastmost tiger territories were somewhere around Turkmenistan and northern Iran. I strongly doubt Romans knew about tigers existence. However, pretending that Romans saw tigers in the wild- caught some and brought them all the way back there were still insignificant chances they were pitted with lions. Rich and highly positioned in society romans often held lions as pets, and lion and god statues defended temples and coloseums. If Tigers were 'winning lions' (if such fights even took place) then Italy and North African colloseums would have tiger figures on its walls. Lion vs tiger debate is on since 1900s and if one side prooved that their cat won in Ancient Rome, it would be the hanging point because romans were known to fight animals

Why do historians say that Rome and Carthage were destined to fight each other. Why do you think they say this?

Carthage dominated trade in the Western Mediterranean, and in the process established a strong navy to protect it. Rome had gained control of Italy and its ambitious aristocracy was looking to extend this into Spain and Sicily. A clash was inevitable.

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What was used colosseum for?

the colosseum was used for entertainment by Gladiators fighting Gladiators or Gladiators fighting animals........i think sorry im not 100% sure :(

How did gladiators get chosen to fight?

Slaves and criminals and captured men from enemy armies were selected to be gladiators by the Romans. These men would normally be fit enough to engage in battle with other gladiators. Individual Romans often ran gladiator training camps to prepare these enslaved men for hand to hand combat.

What was the collosseum used for?

it was used 4 entertainment people generally men) fort (AKA GLADIATORS) and on quite a few times they flooded the Colosseum and had sea battles.The coliseum was used for gladiators back in the roman times. the gladiators were mainly slaves and they fought either against each other or animals. coliseums were grand places, there top was open (curtains hung on sunny days) and rounded and many seats were available. just like giants stadium. sides were covered in valuables, including gems such as a diamond rock. animals were poorly treated and went to the bathroom wherever they pleased, as you can telll the coliseums were not very clean.

Is the use of animals for sports and entertainment bad?

It depends, if you have dogs pulling a sledge then i don't think that is that bad but if you are beating up and animal or making animals fight for your entertainment then yes, it is bad.

What types of fights were there in the roman gladiator games?

When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.When we think of gladiators we generally think of man to man combat. However there were also team combats and a group of fighters who fought wild animals.

What were the warriors called who fought in the colosseum?

I think gladiators

The Americans claimed to fight for liberty and freedom How did these ideals make women and enslaved Africans question their positions in society?

it made think if everything is fair.I love guffy

What is argos known for?

the arts and theater and entertainment. they are also known for refusing to fight for Greece when attacked (by the Persians i think)

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everyone i think

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Umm....I think they broadcast entertainment. Hahaha!

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A school i think .