Circe sent Odysseus to go talk to Tiresias, who gave him instructions for his journey home to Ithaca.
Odysseus must talk to Tiresias, a dead prophet who will know how Odysseus can return safely home and appease the angry Poseidon. on the advice of Circe.
Odysseus did not talk directly to Poseidon.
Odysseus goes to The Underworld to talk to the blind seer Tiresieus so he could get some more information of his return back home.
Scheria was home to the Phaecians who took Odysseus home.
Circe sent Odysseus to go talk to Tiresias, who gave him instructions for his journey home to Ithaca.
Odysseus must talk to Tiresias, a dead prophet who will know how Odysseus can return safely home and appease the angry Poseidon. on the advice of Circe.
Odysseus did not talk directly to Poseidon.
All the conflicts Odysseus had on his way of getting home to his wife and child.
Odysseus goes to The Underworld to talk to the blind seer Tiresieus so he could get some more information of his return back home.
Talk about who Odysseus is and what his situation in the book is. It really depends on what about Odysseus you are going to talk about.
Scheria was home to the Phaecians who took Odysseus home.
What Odysseus did on his way home is the entirety of The Odyssey.
Odysseus describes his home as sweetness to surpass.
Odysseus talk to athena and athena tells him
He must go to the Underworld and talk to Tiresias (the blind prophet- same one from Oedipus).
All of Odysseus men die upon the journey home.