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because that's where he longs to me with his wife and child.

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Q: Why does Odysseus talk about his home?
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Odysseus did not talk directly to Poseidon.

What does The Odyssey talk about?

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Scheria was home to the Phaecians who took Odysseus home.

What did Odysseus do on the trip home?

What Odysseus did on his way home is the entirety of The Odyssey.

How does Odysseus describe his home Ithaca?

Odysseus describes his home as sweetness to surpass.

Who must Odysseus consult to learn his destiny?

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Where must Odysseus go to learn his way home?

He must go to the Underworld and talk to Tiresias (the blind prophet- same one from Oedipus).

Why do Odysseus' men not get home?

All of Odysseus men die upon the journey home.