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because they help Odysseus get home using the boats he himself give them. He was angry because to him Odysseus get home was an insult. in reality his ego made him angry!

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Q: Why was Poseidon angry with the Phaecians in the Odyssey?
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Why is Poseidon angry in book 1 of the Odyssey?

Poseidon is angry at Odysseus for blinding his son Polyphemos.

What character trait are Phaecians known for in The Odyssey?

The Phaecians are known to be master sailors in the Odyssey, and sail on silver ships.

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What did Oddysseus do that made Poseidon angry?

he blinded one of his sons you will have to read the odyssey

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Where does Poseidon go at the beginning of the odyssey?

Book five of the Odyssey is Poseidon's first appearance. All of the gods except Poseidon meet at Olympus to discuss Odysseus's fate. Poseidon is angry that Odysseus escaped Calypso's island and creates a storm to sink his ship.

What do the Phaecians Excel at in The Odyssey?

The Phaeacians excel at seamanship and sailing. They are skilled mariners known for their swift ships and ability to navigate through rough waters. They are also hospitable and generous hosts to strangers, as seen in their treatment of Odysseus.

What happens to the Phaecians when Poseidon finds out how they helped Odysseus?

Just before the ship that helped Odysseus reaches shore, it is turned into a rock and sunk by Poseidon.

Who is Poseidon in The Odyssey?

Poseidon is the God of the sea.

At the beginning of The Odyssey Poseidon is?

At the beginning of the Odyssey, Poseidon is in Ethiopia.That's why Athena brings up Odysseus with Zeus at that point, so that Poseidon can't interfere.

Where is Poseidon in book 1?

Poseidon is in Ethiopia in Book 1 of the Odyssey.

Who is the god of the earthquake in The Odyssey?
