

Why was Theseus so thin?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Why was Theseus so thin?
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Theseus wasn't a Greek god, so had no official symbols.

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Theseus found out that his father was the King of Athens so he traveled there in order to meet him.

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From what I know, Theseus wasnt a God so he had no symbols. But his sword might have been one, but I'm not sure.

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He was not necessarily tricked, but more or less forced. Procrustes invited Theseus into his home where he was fed. A servant told Theseus not to sleep in the bed. Theseus forced Procrustes to test his bed and he was killed.

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Ariadne gave Theseus a roll of string so that once he had killed the Minotaur, he could find his way back out.

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He slayed the Minotaur. So i guess it is "Theseus the Minator Slayer?" I don't know so Don't take this as a right answer please improve it? Thank You so very much for your attention. Bub-bye

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Theseus got the sword from the rock that he pulled it from.From Ariadne

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Theseus had to go through a giant maze called a labyrinth. Fortunately, he had a ball of twine so that he knew how to get out of the labyrinth, since it was said that the labyrinth was impossible to get out of. So after he kiilled the minotaur, he escaped the labyrinth with the ball of twine.

Why does Theseus condemn his son Hippolytus to death?

Theseus never commited suicide. His father did, Aegus commied suicide because his father thought that Theseus died because his ship had black sails up instead of white sails. Theseus and his father agreed on that when he returned home that black sails meant he died in crete but white sails meant that Theseus was alive. But Theseus forgot to change the sails and his father thought Theseus was dead. So his father commited suicide out of his grief.

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Theseis is the story of Theseus

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