Bearded dragons are not poisonous to cats. However, it is important to supervise interactions between pets to prevent any potential harm.
No, bearded dragons are not poisonous.
No, cats do not typically eat bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are not a natural prey for cats.
Onions are not a good food choice for bearded dragons. They can cause hemolytic anemia in dogs and cats. It's not worth the risk.
Probably not poisonous, but I would classify it as harmful or irritant, like cedar. It could be dangerous if ingested. I would not use it for substrate.
First off, you question has awful grammer. Im not sure if you are asking if the dragon is poisonous or the katydids, but I'm going to assume you are talking about the dragon. Yes, it is poisonous.
no bearded dragons cannot have wood chip
Yes they are - since Bearded dragons lay eggs.
Yes they do
WHY would you want to know such a thing ?... unless you're planning on feeding some to a berded dragon !
go on youtube and search up bearded dragons
its not possible for bearded dragons to mimic crickets