No no
A dog's mouth is actually far cleaner than a human's.
Pigs are actually quite clean animals and will create a separate area for their bathroom away from where they eat and sleep. However, humans generally have higher standards of cleanliness and hygiene practices.
That is just a myth! A dog's mouth is filthy, they chew on and eat almost anything, including urine, feces, and dead animals.
Actually, no. Cats also have cleaner mouths than humans, and they may possibly have cleaner mouths than dogs because their saliva destroys germs better than dog's saliva does. No dogs mouths are cleaner
No, a dogs mouth is not cleaner than humans because they dont brush their teeth and floss to keep all the germs away. They also eat sometimes out the bins and some drink out the toilet. So then there you have it! Dogs mouths are not cleaner than humans.
No humans are the smartest animals.
Animals reproduce much faster than humans and have more children at one time.
Some animals can hear higher frequencies than humans can. This is why animals can hear things like dog whistles, and we can't hear them. In all, animals can hear differently than humans in the way that they can hear more. Some animals can hear lower frequencies than humans can. Elephants can hear much lower frequencies than humans.
There are more animals than there are humans, but the overall total is constantly changing.