Yes, animals are still alive when vivisection takes place. It is an extremely controversial method of finding cures and solutions to human ailments and diseases. The groups for and against are very vocal and adamant in their positions. It is not a topic that will go away easily, or anytime soon.
of course alot of animals where alive infact there still alive
No, there are no more prehistoric animals alive on earth. All animals alive today are decendents of prehistoric animals.
Tigers are still alive because people help them.
No, but there are animals that have dinosaurs as ancestors.
the animals that are still alive and their species hasn't yet died out
Yes, David is still alive.
It is not impossible to study plants and animals that are still alive. Scientists frequently observe plants and animals and even run tests and experiments on them in order to learn more about them.
You were meant to be alive. Everybody has an appointed time and place to die.
over animals eat them so bigger animals are still alive
If there are no living animals or plants alive in a particular species, it is listed as extinct.
Some fish and reptiles were alive when the dinosaurs were and are still alive today. But there are no T-rex's or anything like that anymore.
NOW they are still alive