If black was the only color everything is black cars,animals,food, people and more but most important you CANT see anything not even with a flashlight.
No, not all animals are color blind. Some see less color pigmentation than others, which as a general rule would be those animals with good night vision. People, which by definition are animals, are for the most part, not color blind.
No some animals can see in negative color. some dogs cant see hardly anything. others can see colors but are color blind meaning they see colors as different colors. for example some people can see red when they are really looking at green.
Animals can see in color not every color but most of them.Answer:Science indicates that many animals see colours although the palate they see is more limited than ours. Birds and some reptiles obviously devote a fair amount of energy into being coloured to attract mates, birds and other animals are attracted to coloured fruits and flowers, dog's can be trained to fetch balls of specific colours, insects use colours to warn predators away (hornets and Monarch butterflies) - all of these actions would be useless if animals could not see colours.
Different animals have different kinds of color vision. Some have very poor color vision and others have very good color vision. In fact some birds and bees have super color vision and see colors that humans don't see.
No, there is no color blind test for animals that you can do at home. There actually is no color blind test at all, only tests to check their vision if they can see at all.
All living things, whether plant, animal, bacteria, etc., has to respond to their surroundings. However, if by "sense" you mean consciously detect, then no. Several animals do not have a nervous system.
the only animals u see is at the park u see people
listen idon't want to call you dumb but dogs see in color and well to prove it science people or ecologist just said they candogs can see in color your not dumb but your not an expert of animals there i said what i need to bye call me jay d lol
People do not go to zoos just to see endangered animals; people like to see all sorts of animals.
Commonly red and green